Ultra Low Latency Network

China Unicom’s Ultra-Low Latency Network provides customers with the fastest connectivity into key Financial venues worldwide.

The network is built on high-speed fibre using the smallest number of converters and devices to improve reliability and reduce latency. It is a fully transparent point-to-point private line service with a strict bandwidth guarantee and dedicated customer bandwidth. Relying on China Unicom’s extensive global network, we provide our financial customers with a dedicated network of low latency and high reliability to cover 17 major financial hubs in Mainland China, Asia-Pacific, Europe and the USA.

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What is Ultra Low Latency?

Ultra Low Latency refers to the minimal delay in the transmission or transfer of data from one point to another. In the context of digital communications, it’s the near-instantaneous delivery of data from a sender (like a server) to a receiver (like your computer or mobile device).

This concept is crucial in real-time applications such as online gaming, live broadcasting, and high-frequency trading, where even a millisecond of delay can have significant impacts. For instance, in a live video game, ultra low latency ensures that your actions are registered almost instantly, providing a smooth and seamless gaming experience.

Features of China Unicom’s Ultra Low Latency Network

Global Coverage

China Unicom’s Ultra Low Latency Network is designed with a global perspective. It focuses on the connectivity between global financial exchanges in Europe, Asia, and America. This ensures seamless communication and data transfer across continents, enabling businesses to operate efficiently in today’s globalised economy.

Existing presence in major exchanges in China

We have an established presence with diverse routes in major financial exchanges in China, including Shanghai and Dalian. This allows for prompt delivery of services and ensures that businesses have the necessary infrastructure to operate effectively within the Chinese market.

High Reliability

Reliability is a key feature of China Unicom’s Ultra Low Latency Network. It provides a Protected Service with High Network Availability, ensuring that businesses can rely on the network for their critical operations. This high reliability minimises downtime and ensures smooth business operations.

High Security

Security is a top priority for China Unicom. The Ultra Low Latency Network offers physical isolation between customers and exclusive bandwidth of high security. This ensures that each customer’s data is secure and protected from potential threats, providing peace of mind for businesses.

Strict SLA Commitment

China Unicom is committed to providing high-quality services. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) covers End-to-End latency, Service Availability, Mean-time-to-Repair (MTTR), and Delivery Lead time. This strict SLA commitment ensures that customers receive the highest level of service and support.

Applications of Ultra Low Latency

Ultra Low Latency Networks, such as the one provided by China Unicom, have a wide range of applications, particularly in sectors where speed and reliability are of utmost importance. Here are a few key applications:

High-Frequency Trading

In the world of high-frequency trading, every millisecond counts. Firms engaged in this type of trading require a high-quality, low latency end-to-end circuit that is sensitive to delays down to a fraction of a millisecond. China Unicom’s Ultra-Low Latency Network provides the competitive edge and service level guarantees needed for an effective and secure trading infrastructure.

Real-Time Gaming

In the gaming industry, especially for real-time multiplayer games, low latency is crucial for a seamless and fair gaming experience. Ultra Low Latency Networks ensure that all players have the same information at the same time, reducing lag and improving the overall gaming experience.

Live Broadcasting

Live broadcasters require a network that can handle high-quality video and audio streams with minimal delay. Ultra Low Latency Networks are perfect for this, ensuring that viewers around the world can enjoy live events without any noticeable delay.


In the field of telemedicine, doctors often need to make real-time decisions based on high-quality video feeds. Ultra Low Latency Networks ensure that these video feeds are transmitted with minimal delay, allowing doctors to provide the best possible care to their patients.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles require a constant stream of data to operate safely. Ultra Low Latency Networks ensure that these vehicles receive the data they need almost instantaneously, allowing them to react to changes in their environment in real time.

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